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Learn More & Sign UpThis is a resurrection of our jalapeño cheddar sourdough from flat frisbees to fully risen loaves. By baking a side-by-side comparison of fresh jalapeños and cheddar vs. pre-processed and preserved ingredients, you can see the workflow and final differences in this bread. It’s certainly more effort to use the whole ingredients but we think the time is worth the result.
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Proof Bread
125 W Main Street
Mesa AZ 85201
Proof Bread is a modern throwback to a way of life that values small-scale craftsmanship, local community, and creativity.
We are a team of passionate bakers working in a historic building in downtown Mesa that has been converted into a retail bakery.
Everything we bake is long-fermented with our sourdough starter ‘Harriet’. Each product is artisan, crafted by hand, from the best local ingredients, with no shortcuts.
We bake in line with 13,000 years of human history, avoiding artificial processes and unnecessary ingredients. Honoring tradition and serving better bread for our community.
#sourdough #bakery #arizona
Today we're resurrecting our jalapeno Cheddar sourdough [Applause] [Music] What happened to this cheese it's insane Something's wrong with that [Music] We've been having this issue with one of Our breads life gets busy and sometimes It's hard to address the things that We've got going on in in the background So this is a jalapeno cheddar sourdough The dough has a little bit of milk a Little bit of butter a little bit of Brown sugar and so all those things help It to be more of a softer bread add some Jalapenos and cheddar to it and it's one Of our most popular breads if we make it All the time we only do it once a week And so as a result when something goes Wrong it might end up going wrong Multiple times and not get caught for a Little while it's it's not something That we're doing on the daily one of the Advantages for bread making in being a Commercial Baker or even a cottage Baker Like we were in the garage making a lot Of bread every day is that you get Practice this over and over and over Again the home Baker might make two Loaves at a time and only maybe as Infrequently as once in a while or if They make a lot of bread once every Couple weeks or multiple times a week
Even but still it's not that much Practice in shaping or anything else Versus uh doing something every single Day and getting instant feedback you Know you shape of bread wrong and you Instantly have more to practice on I'm In the wrong unit here on on my scale we Have some problematic scales These scales are not inexpensive because They weigh quite a bit of ingredients And they weigh down to the gram these Aren't like ten dollar scales they're I want to say they're like four hundred Dollars a piece that one seems to be Stuck in pounds So I switched it out for this one I'm Using a type 70 flower type 70 means and In in different parts of the world the Numbering system is slightly altered our Numbering system basically starts with a Type 160 as whole wheat And then sort of goes down in sifting to A type 55 which would be considered White flower this flower is a type 70 And that means there is content of bran And germ the outer layers of the Wheat Berry in a type 70 we're a lot closer to The range of a white flower than we are To the range of a whole wheat flour the Majority of the bran and The Germ have Been sifted out that will Contribute to the overall texture of the Bread as being also lighter airier Softer than than a whole wheat would
Beat [Music] All right so my auto lease is ready to Throw on the mixer in the meantime I'll Do some prep for some of the other Ingredients I've actually got two different sets of The exact same thing here I've got a Block of cheddar cheese I've got Fresh jalapenos I have pickled jalapenos And then I have shredded cheese it's Another human nature thing to simplify Where you can prep work takes time it Can be sort of an annoying part of Somebody's day if you've got a huge list Of other things going on however once You simplify too much I think that you End up making compromises So one of the things that happens to This bread over time over the course of The year is we went to pre-shredded Cheese and pre-sliced Jalapenos in both Cases I'm gonna do a side-by-side Comparison today to see the difference When you only see the ingredient itself The pre-shredded cheese or the pickled Jalapenos on their own it's hard to tell But once you put the other more whole Ingredients next to them you can even Visually see striking differences Between the two of them I want to tell You a little bit about shredded cheese Because this just seems like a good idea You're going to notice I'm going to
Spend a fair amount of time cubing Cheese shredded cheese and bread creates A slightly unfavorable texture it is Possible to incorporate it well in our Method of folding in inclusions but it's Still so small in nature that it ends up Modifying the texture of the whole bread The thing that I hate more about Shredded cheese or pre-shredded cheese When it's pre-shredded a natural Preservative that's added to the cheese In the industrial facility that shreds It is cellulose pre-shredded cheese If you go to the store and buy Pre-shredded cheese to make tacos one Night know that that's a preservative That is likely on your cheese whereas When you buy the whole block it's just Cheese between the two bins of dough That we're gonna make you're probably Going to see some of that difference This extra barrier of cellulose prevents It from caking together in your shredded Cheese so that way when you get it you Have what you're expecting which is Shredded cheese also consider that Anti-caking agent now going into your Dough you expect cheese to be very melty And somehow this cheese you're going to Notice in all the way through the Process that it stays like a perfectly Shredded piece of cheese I'm not a big Fan I think you can probably tell All right so each of these is getting uh
60 grams of jalapenos so I need 60 times 32 loaves 1 920 grams is what I need in Jalapenos so the difference between the Fresh and the pickled jalapenos Is a bit of flavor you know on on the One hand the pickled jalapenos don't Pack as much of a punch they've been Processed and preserved in the in the Pickling process when examining inputs Or ingredients you got to look at Everything and the Aesthetics the Visuals tell a story as well I keep kind Of referring to that but you can see in The pickled jalapenos the sort of Difference in the the zap of flavor I'm Not saying people shouldn't preserve Their food that's like a age-old human History although I have a choice here I Can use fresh and that means that I have To go and process jalapenos myself or I Can use preserve that's not necessarily A Bad Thing pickled jalapenos Have a less vibrant color I'm having scale issues today the Battery died on this one I'm going to Switch it out I really like the fresh Jalapenos in the Sense you can All the juices are still contained Inside inside the fruit I'm just a big Believer in using great ingredients and That it shines through and through when You do of course you can already see one Of the side effects of using these whole
Ingredients for cheddar I'm cubing the Cheddar that will prevent it from Interacting directly with the dough and Kind of intermingling with the gluten Development or the actual dough itself I Also like it cubed in the final bread Because it gets a little melty but to Cube cheese takes some time it's a bit Of a Time suck I think it's well worth It especially in a product that we're Only making once a week in my view it's Like make something once a week let's Make it really really good if we do it Right then we influence Our community to come out here on that Once a week because they really want This bread in order for that to work It's got to be something that's made With a lot of pride [Music] I want to get this Auto lease started so I moved away from My ingredient prep in terms of order of Operations if you have any processes That are passive that need time and you Have the ability to get them started It's important to do so because the time Has to occur and so I could be slicing Jalapenos and cheddar while my auto Lease is going or I could slice all the Jalapenos and cheddar and then start my Auto lease and then wait and have Nothing to do in the in the balance so When working in this environment it's
All about filling those time gaps this Is just flour and water coming together It's somewhat of a stiff dough hydration Wise which means to do the auto least Effectively I need to run that initial Part of the mix a little longer than I Would if it was a wet dough it will do Its thing I can walk away and I'll just Check on it when it's done I'm going low And slow and what's nice about making Bread this way when you mix slowly is You don't have to watch over it quite as Much if you run the mixer fast you have To make sure that the dough is not Getting torn that you're not ruining Your work with something very powerful So I've got strips now final step is to Get them into cubes you can start a Towel in the cheddar that doesn't have The The cellulose That even the action of uh pressing down With this knife leads to these sort of Clumps and so again you can kind of get A visual look at what the point of that Cellulose is in the in the cheddar it's Preventing the the clumping of the Cheese so that it stays shredded and in The case of Cubes I don't really care Because I'm going to fold these into Dough anyway and get them to separate You'll notice some what seem like larger Pieces that you might not be able to Tell are actually cut and I imagine that
If you were to take this cheddar and now Box it up and ship it around in this Form by the time the End customer would Get it they might have larger pieces of Cheddar but I'm kind of interested in Showing just the color comparison Between these two bins realistically I Have to add conservatively speaking 30 Minutes to my whole process in order to Process whole ingredients that's not a Small amount of time I'm making 32 breads so essentially an extra minute Of bread looking at this from a business Mind take the hourly wage and figure out How much a minute of their time is worth And that's the added cost per bread to You in Labor because usually the Ingredients Aren't any more expensive whole than Processed you know somebody's got to Process them so in some ways it's a Value add to the ingredients and you're Often paying an extra fee anyway for the Convenience there's no question that the Pre-shredded cheese ends up costing less Once you factor labor but it's very Marginal then the big question is will The customer pay those extra pennies in Order to get a better overall product We're not talking about having to pass On a cost to that's Unreasonable we're talking about passing On a marginal ad in cost for a better Overall product and I think most of our
Customers will choose that Every time You can make an argument that as a Business your job is to save money Wherever you can then also consider if The product that you're making is worse And less appealing you'll sell less of It and so you'll have less money finding The right balance between what to save On and what to spend on I think is Important the inputs the ingredients Things that people are actually going to Go ahead and eat are always important I Don't know if you can see from the Footage right now at this state in the Game but At least to my eye this cheese has a More vibrant color than this cheese does And granted the color and the cheese in This cheddar cheese comes from a spice Because we've told ourselves that cheese Cheddar cheese ought to be orange in Color even though it Is more of a white without the spice That colors it in this case they've been Spiced the same or colored the same and This one now is coated with the Cellulose and you can see it's sort of Dulled as a result I think it's even More prominent in the final dough you Can certainly see the difference in the Jalapenos I still have to slice these up Before they go in the bread but even Just the outer layers you see the rich
Green and here you kind of see a Yellowed browned Green from the pickling Let's not say there's anything wrong With pickling again but there's more in The whole ingredient there's more spice There's more flavor I'm letting the Natural ingredients shine through in the Bread So my dough has now been Auto least This process releases enzymes it's Another extra I guess you could mix Without an auto lease and yet by Combining flour and water together ahead Of time allowing it to release enzymes That are in the flower you're improving The texture of your bread and the flavor Of your bread and it's just an easy Passive process it's a change in order Of operations It might seem like oh I'm doing this Extra step and then I have to wait for The auto lease why when I can just mix It successfully but notice I have other Things that I can do so the auto lease Has benefits if I just let it do its Thing for 20 minutes and in that 20 Minutes I can be chopping whole Ingredients then just moving back into The process so if I have plenty of Things to do then I can run with a Passive process and it doesn't really Cost me extra time if I'm going to get a Benefit from this little extra step why
Not You might see this exact bench scraper In sat caram's Bakery he is a master Baker that I met In Portugal I came home one day not very Long ago to a package from saat Karm and He really likes this particular one so This is my first time using it in the Bakery and it was a really cool thing uh To to come home to that we've stayed in Touch actually we have this Group online called the proof Baker's Exchange it's on WhatsApp the other Baker that we met on that trip Diogo who Has a bakery with I think around 12 or 13 satellite locations now he's also in The group so you get these ranges of of Points of view on things so it's pretty Cool to come home to this oversized Dough scraper this one is just sturdier You can do more with it with bigger Batches whereas this one has a use Without a doubt it's got the rounded end So scraping out a bowl that uh that is Rounded in nature is nice with something Like this but working with bigger Batches of dough this is like a new tool That can be used like the other one but In more applications so a big thank you Uh for this it was it was a really nice Gesture So I put the starter in the bowl right Away It's funny the lessons you sort of pick
Up on over time we have a similar bread On the menu that doesn't include the Jalapenos and cheddar I won't forget the Day in the garage where I did everything Perfect for whatever reason when it Comes to sandwich bread I like to forget Putting in the sourdough starters for Whatever reason in this particular bread In the order of operations it sort of Feels like you've done all the work the Next step again is to create a little Bit of a sandwich with the sourdough Starter in the middle between the two Dough dough layers and you could not add The starter have a very similar dough at The end not notice and so I have this Habit of always adding the starter to The auto lease so then I know it's there It's sitting right on top I'll add the Other ingredients that need to go in and It helps me Just not omit the most important Ingredient arguably that will make a Make a leavened loaf I don't think that There's going to be anything about these That's abnormal in the least So next time you guys forget to add Starter to your mixes know that you can Still save your day So this is milk that has been dehydrated So it's milk powder for baking it is Useful in this form milk contains Enzymes That interacts directly with the dough
And effect fermentation it's one of the Reasons why shredded cheese when mixed Incorrectly in the dough can lead to Interactions That are unfavorable for fermentation Well milk has similar Issues It's a lot more stable to incorporate in The dehydrated form I think the first Time that milk was ever dehydrated like This was for a preservation tool if you Add water to it The right amount and mix the dehydrated Milk together it tastes very much like Regular milk at that point so that's why I was originally done milk is not the Most shelf stable ingredient as most of Us know But it has this extra benefit for baking So I've got three ingredients in here The brown sugar the salt and the milk Brown sugar Interaction with dough could cause Clumping the brown sugar wishes to Clump Together what I like to do is basically Combine all these ingredients together By hand before I mix them into the final Dough and that sort of prevents that From happening and it also gives me a Chance to deal with any already Pre-clumped pieces of brown sugar and Just loosen them up if I notice any Really hard pieces of brown sugar I'm Going to try to untangle them from one
Another unclump them not through the use Of cellulose but just you know good old Muscle power sometimes you get like Almost a crystallized piece of brown Sugar and at that point I'm just going To get rid of that piece from my dough Because it will stay in that form Through the process you'll end up with Just a sugary piece of dough Okay so the base dough now has all the Ingredients Incorporated the one thing That's still missing from the bowl is Butter I'm not going to add the butter Until my gluten is pretty well developed In the mix It's one of those things that if you Don't process jalapenos or peppers with Gloves Kind of regret it later on I am not a Chef by any means so now you all get to See my Not so well developed knife skills That's okay So green is actually a traditional color Coding In the restaurant world for vegetables If you say have a green cutting board For vegetables and a red cutting board For Meats so that color coding lets you Quickly change workstations without Cross-contamination you always put your Vegetables on a green cutting board you Always put your Meats on a red cutting Board
[Music] Mixing can also be a passive process Especially when you've done it for a While it's all about establishing good Buffers for yourself and knowing when to Check I have a bunch of ingredients to Incorporate together I'm going on a low Speed certainly not going to harm my Dough to go nice and slow with this Process by the time I come back in five Minutes the dough will be well Incorporated together on its way to Gluten development I can kick up the Speed a little I'm going to go back to Prepping now [Music] Thank you [Music] There's Been a feeling that's developed around Here that the only jalapeno cheddar Sourdough's that we can make are going To turn out these flat frispy like discs Because it's just been happening over And over again and so I did one batch With the exact same ingredient sets that Have been used the pickled jalapenos and The pre-shredded cheese and I couldn't Help but add fresh ingredients in Another batch I actually personally Don't think that I'm going to get a Drastically different shape in the bread I don't think I'm going to get frisbees To begin with but I do think that I'm
Going to hit two birds with one stone Here I'm going to convince everybody Around here that the fresh ingredients Are worth grabbing and worth processing And then on top of it I'm going to just Simply dispel any notion that these need To come out as flat frisbees one of my Suspicions as to why I've used this to Get rid of the Brine and I'm going to Actually take extra measure To squeeze out any remaining juices Because I don't want a whole lot of Extra moisture coming into the dough That really throws off the actual dough Itself and so the dough ends up wetter Ends up harder to shape two problems With jalapeno cheddar if you're an Artisan Baker or even a home Baker I Could spare you some problems right now If you just get these two two points Home Cheddar melts and burns in the oven so If you bake it directly on a stone in a Hearth oven You are going to end up with a mess on Your hands and it's not so easy to get Rid of the cheddar there's like natural Oils in there fats the other thing is Jalapenos and cheddar in banatins Overnight in forms not only do you have To have more forms so just from a Frugality standpoint if I can make the Loaf without forms I can save on the Investment of having more forms but it's
Almost like you have to have dedicated Forms because do you really want your Next day's country sourdough taking on a Jalapeno flavor I was inspired to Develop this bread last year when we Were working a lot with Ukrainian Bakery And one of them was called a baton and It's a very standard bread in the region But it's a free-form but it's hard shape Because it's made on an enriched dough Which this is the dough itself is stiff Enough and holds it Formed it form well Enough that it can be put on a sheet Tray and hold up well one of the Objections that my teammates have been Offering is the main reason that this Bread is coming out like a frisbee is We're not putting it in forms but I Don't find that to be the case at all Because the bread that inspired this Bread doesn't have inclusions in it at All they're like a scaffolding on the Inside of the dough that holds it Together when you get this right you can Bake jalapeno cheddar on a tray in a Rack oven or even in your deck oven on a Tray doesn't really matter the point is That cheese will then melt onto the tray And not onto your oven Stone so you can Just clean your tray and move on with Life you haven't tainted your forms Meaning all your subsequent Bread's not Going to taste like jalapenos two big Benefits of doing it this way now that I
Have strained jalapenos for my I guess Control batch I'm going to scale out This pre-shredded cheese So I've got my two ingredient sets to Split my batch the mix is complete I Need to grab it and throw it into bins And then I can start folding these Inclusions into the bins Foreign [Music] So I've got two equal bins here I Started this bread yesterday I made the First batch and that way we can start Working on baking that batch which is Proofing right now it went overnight This batch will not be baked until Tomorrow again our whole process is Always multiple days to allow for long Fermentation something else that sort of Happened over time to our formula is We've added more and more cheese and Jalapenos to the actual dough and I Wonder does some of that have to do with The selection of the ingredients meaning That the fact that the jalapenos are Pickled you need a lot more of them to Pack a punch this one might be quite Strong today in a jalapeno flavor it Might be extra spicy so we'll see You're going to see right away that it Just seems like we're putting a lot it's Going to take me a minute to fold all of This in But this is the first visual look at the
Difference uh between the two I mean A or B just on visuals which one do you Prefer which one are you drawn to maybe Some people would pick that one but I Think most would probably go for the More vibrant color so I'm going to mix Up my inclusions a little I'm kneading the Inclusions into the actual dough itself So now that I have this first set of Layers I'm going to Essentially laminate this I have the Layers and now I'm doing folds in order To spread the layers out evenly through The dough The stove is going to get folded a Couple more times before getting shaped And so all these layers are going to Spread that much more evenly and come Back to this particular bin when I'm Done with the other working with this uh Pre-processed set of ingredients I mean It's no secret that there's plenty of Ways to make automated bread this has Existed for a hundred years now but what People don't realize is the micro Decisions that are made along the way It's the pre-processed ingredients Versus fresh except multiply that out by An assembly line and the final quality Is affected on the flip side of that In a human process it's more expensive There's a stronger chance of failure I Think it's an important consideration
And it's part of what you know you're Experiencing coming to a bakery like This or bakeries like us around the World is the risk that you might come in One day and the bread is a little bit Different than it was yesterday if we Wish for nuance we wish for a whole Ingredients we should allow for a little Bit of inconsistency that might come day To day it's just part of the trade-off And I think it's a worthwhile one in Doing this I'm Further laminating the layers of Inclusion Number of ways to fold but once you have Inclusions in the dough This very simple fold over technique is In my opinion the easiest to go with and Here's the Same ingredients but the pre-processed Versions you can see that in this stage There's still a couple folds to go There's still some heavy areas of Inclusion and so over the course of this Bulk fermentation process that's going To improve All right we're back at the folding After this I should be pretty well Incorporated and I'm just going to let This dough hang out for A little while and gain some volume the Inclusions in the spread coupled with The temperature of the dough call for an Extended period of fermentation and
Actually it's another thing that I Identified as a potential weak point in Our latter processes that were Contributing to the flat bread if you Don't get enough bulking activity then You have to rely on a on a much longer Final proof and the dough strength Doesn't hold up as well and so you end Up with a flatter loaf so it's important To bulk the spread enough and get enough Built up energy before you cool it down And proof it again we're on the shaping Table here and I'm going to demonstrate These it's really important to make sure They get enough bulking time because Again it translates to how much proofing Time they get later on so I'm Grabbing 700 grams And right now my main goal or objective Is to build strength in the dough Because the more strength I build now The easier I'm going to have time with This dough later on in terms of Retaining its shape and making sure we Don't end up with the frisbees that We've been ending up with so there's Five of these I'm going to do something Unconventional and put this Back for a minute just to show you the Difference in in visual between the two Here's the fresh inclusions What's interesting is even at this stage The fresh inclusions are a looser Overall dough that shredded cheese sort
Of acts like a webbing or a netting in In the dough and Makes expansion more challenging both at This stage the bulk fermentation stage And at the final proofing stage I don't Think anybody would really do this type Of thing side by side normally you know They'd pick their Inputs whether it be pre-processed or Freshly processed and just roll with it So it's kind of interesting to see these These little variables And my job now is to shape I can make my Life a little easier I have pretty clean Divisions overall not a huge amount of Different pieces of dough but I could do A small pre-shape if I wanted to and Then come back and tighten them and this Is actually where the team has been Stopping at this point like pre-shaped Rounds onto a tray Done at this stage they look fine But there's actually no built up extra Tension in the final bread doing it this Way and so when you go to final proof They're going to just sort of ooze out Into the into the Frisbee form so we're Not going to do that We're instead going to do more of the Standard My standard country sourdough shaping Where I'm going to roll this up into what's More of like a tight log or burrito
And then set it onto the tray And if I do my job correctly then I'm Stretching the skin of the dough tight The whole time And when they go to final proof they're Going to retain more of their shape Along the way and you can see with the Fresh ones you have the side effect of Some of the cheese Coming out due to the chunks so all These like little things cause You know a team over time to be like can We simplify this can we get rid of the Extra work of the chunks going on the Table and so that's a very reasonable Request these are the pre-processed ones Are easier to shape they're more uniform In nature less of the ingredients fall Out So those are all Pros but Throughout this whole process we're Identifying a lot of cons All right now that these are shaped They're ready to go into our walk-in Cooler to cold ferment overnight [Music] These jalapeno cheddar sourdough have Been Going overnight they're getting moved to The proofer Once they get some nice expansion and Volume they'll be ready to bake Cold fermented overnight and then Proofed in a warm 84 degree room that's
Humid And now we've got quite a bit of rice Because it's an ambient dough I can do The Touch test so I'm just touching the top Of the dough and seeing the bounce back Effect if it bounces back too quickly Then I know it's under proofed if it Bounces back slowly then I know it's Just right and each bread might have a Little bit of nuance here the big Problem that we were facing with this Bread was the fact that it was being Shaped proofed and then literally coming Out in frisbees right now I'm pretty Happy with these if this was a Sourdough Croissant then based on the touch test I Would still keep proofing it but with These I'm going to if the proofing curve Is a bell curve I'm trying to hit it Towards the front side of that Bell you Know on the way up I could probably Proof them more but the more I proof Them the more I risk the old results so I think this is a good time to pull the Trigger on them Time to score these guys So you see I'm loading these now on our Rack oven And that's the beauty of this bread I'm Not going to have to worry about this Cheese getting anywhere on my oven I Haven't Gotten jalapenos on any of my
Vanitons So no other bread is going to be Influenced by jalapeno So now I'm dealing with the ones that Had the pre-processed ingredients you Can see it they score roughly the same And they fermented about the same the Texture is mildly different and the Visual appearance is significantly Different it's also going to be Different for the End customer because The pieces of cheese in this one are Actually oddly I'm I'm predicting not Really going to melt whereas the cheddar Chunks in the freshly prepared uh Jalapenos and cheddar are going to be uh Melty All right we've got the rack Ready to go My oven is preset bring these guys over Behind you Taylor behind So the steam injection is going to make These uh nice and shiny on the outside And you can already see that they're Getting some rides they are already Taller than the final bread has been and They haven't even baked yet I can't wait To see the final result but we're on the Right track here that's for sure Look at all that bubbly cheese uh loaf Is fully baked when it's at roughly Between 190 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit Typically if you pull a loaf out of the Oven when it's above 180 you can be
Pretty sure that it's going to get all The way there because it continues to Bake for a few minutes after you pull it In this case the look that I attempt was Temping at 160 degrees so right on the Line which means that the very inside of That bread could still be doughy and not Fully gelatinized which is kind of what Ends up happening in the baking process That the the dough gelatinizes into a Breadcrumb I'm also making an adjustment To the temperature during this baking Extension just making sure that the Heating element is not actually engaging So kind of coasting the oven down at This point you'll see the temperature Dropping over the course these two Minutes and that Just prevents the the bread from singing Unnecessarily Hot open Okay just a final verification of Temperature Oh yeah now we're good Watch out it's very hot So I'm just creating a little lift that Way They're easy to separate later on They're not frisbee so this is what They're supposed to look like the ones That are going today they're not going To get shaped till the afternoon because They need to build up some gases Otherwise they take too long in the
Proofer they also need to be shaped like Loaves not rounds I also refrigerated Overnight which helps I think we haven't Been doing that I'm going to slice these Both in half so we can take a look [Music] This bread what it's supposed to look Like is a nice soft Kind of tighter crumb think of a Sandwich bread with jalapeno and cheddar So nice and soft in eggshell crisp crust The crust is there for sure and so Here's the interior of the shredded and Pickled Version still looks really nice Definitely not squatty or frisbee like Like the the ones that have been being Produced lately and so all of the little Nuances I did prevented that from Happening you can see what happens with The melty cheddar I don't know to me the Cheese is just a no-brainer difference At this stage the jalapenos look Comparable I have to say that it was Possible to achieve a solid result you Know the right shape which is really What we're after today is no more Frisbee bread it was possible to do it With both sets of ingredients it'll be Really interesting to see the feedback That Jesus just no question to me all The way through if you're gonna do fresh Ingredients do them all the way the last Bit is uh sharing this all with the team
Very excited about resurrecting the Spread of mission accomplished [Music] You guys want to sample these Shut up
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