You’re going to love this babka made with a chocolate ganache and sourdough brioche.
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Proof Bread
125 W Main Street
Mesa AZ 85201
» Proof Bread is a modern throwback to a way of life that values small-scale craftsmanship, local community, and creativity. We are a small group of passionate bakers working in our garage (thanks to cottage laws) which has been converted into a micro-bakery. Everything we bake is made by hand, from the best regional ingredients, with no short cuts.
#sourdough #brioche #babka
So this morning we're going to start off With A classic Baker's filling It's really somebody everybody should Have In their wheelhouse of things they know How to do because two ingredients and You can do a lot with it heavy cream and Chocolate Combined in the right way you can make a Ganache So we're going to start with that today It's going to be the basis of a Chocolate babka and today we're keeping It simple just straight chocolate Ganache and brioche Dough made into a Babka by the holidays for proof we will Turn this into something just a little Bit more elevated a chocolate hazelnut Vodka that way it's not like a punish Hook a lot just entirely I think it's Really nice to just keep it simple this Is a lot easier to make at home without A doubt than laminating croissant dough And trying to replicate a Sourdough Croissant so you'll be able to see Hopefully the start to finish today this Particular component of it the ganache Can be made into many many different Applications this is just one way to use Ganache so we'll start here so I'm Weighing out the heavy cream right now I've got about 1.8 liters of it
And I'm going to set it on onto an Induction burner I'll use medium heat really we're trying To just get up to a simmer and it's Important that you don't really go past Uh that that simmer Chocolate And weigh it out to the exact same Measure as the heavy cream so 1.8 kilos Like a 40 and for ganache that's a good Range to be So it's more of a milk chocolate uh Overall apparently white chocolate Ganache is the most versatile I imagine In a pastry application For our purposes we don't really have a Need for this to be a white chocolate so We're going with that nice 40 percent uh It's going to have that semi-sweet Component to it and we'll incorporate Nicely into the final product Mixing it in with hazelnut rather than Go with Nutella which has all kinds of Additives like palm palm oil is the Second ingredient in Nutella Today is the first time that we're Doing a shoot uh for quite some time a Couple months ago uh my life sort of Halted uh when my mom passed away And so There was definitely a big change in in My life uh it took a little bit of time To reset we spent about a month in Poland with my dad and I'm really
Thankful that my dad's actually up here Banging in the Attic right now It it took some convincing to get him Out here this winter but he he's out Here helping us and uh and working Alongside us and you know living with Amanda and I uh so it's nice to to be Here with family So I've spent the last uh A couple months A little bit more under the radar and Working on myself just working on on Resetting myself and being with my Family One of the things that I did was pick up An old love and that was Pick up my tennis racket again and start Playing I think that's been a really Important component of the last couple Months for more reasons than than just The the loss in my family Also just Reasons of building myself up to lead Others better we now have a team of Nearly 30 here what's important is to be Filling my cup in order to be able to Contribute to everybody else's whereas If you're drawing from a cup that's been Emptied that's a lot harder to do so I Want to make sure that people who work Here are developing in their in their Professional Endeavors but also as People learning learning a new trade Having something to draw upon outside of
Work is increasingly important this Particular Thermometer seems to only be working in This strange position right now so we'll Go with it just to see where we're at on On temperature looking for Somewhere between like 160 170 degrees Fahrenheit for For the heavy cream it's a really easy Process I have a one-to-one ratio of Cream and chocolate you do want the Chocolate to be in a smaller format if You have giant blocks of chocolate then When you pour the hot cream on it Nothing's really going to happen very Quickly and you could have an uneven Mixture so if you are working from a Bigger bar of your favorite baking Chocolate you definitely want to chop That up before attempting this this Particular recipe I went and used some Chips that we had and these chips will Be very easy to incorporate really all This process is is heating up the heavy Cream And then pouring that heavy cream over The chocolate chips allowing them to Heat up for about two minutes we'll just Keep it still for a couple minutes and Then stir to smooth you couldn't ask for Something simpler don't let the you know Fancy word ganache intimidate you it's a Really really really simple And delicious chocolate filling
So just in the time that I've been Explaining We Have climbed up to about 110 degrees We're steadily climbing won't take too Long to get there Once we're done preparing the filling What's going to happen is it will be Very warm because the heavy cream will Combine with a colder chocolate it'll Bring it down but it'll still be roughly Where my heavy cream is right now 110 115 degrees a little bit too warm to Just throw on a brioche dough so while This is cooling to room temperature We'll go ahead and mix our brioche do Our bulk fermentation so this is really A great place to start the process so We're getting very close now with the Heavy cream it's reaching a pretty warm Temperature we're At about that 175 degree Mark and I'm starting to see Signs of a simmer I'm not going to let It go much further if you do push it too Far then you can create separation in The heavy cream so I don't want that Definitely not trying to boil All I'm going to do from this hot Temperature Is now pour this over the chocolate And we will let this sit for just a Couple of minutes All right so
The warm Cream has now been sitting for a little While which just softened the chocolate And so now the last step of the process Is just to stir this until it's smooth It's really easy somewhat satisfying While this is just sitting Deploying my dad on the latest plumbing Issue He has in some ways the Most dynamic roll around here in a Physical sense because he Literally keeps the place functioning Right you can see that over the course Of a few minutes of stirring how this Has changed We went from two ingredients to just one Smooth mix And so now this process is complete and I can move on to The next stage which would be mixing the Brioche Dome while I allow this two Ingredient ganache to cool down closer To room temperature what will happen is It will become a lot easier to work Right now You can see the thickness Of the final product and that's just a Product of of its current temperature It's still quite hot But as the ganache cools down to room Temperature it will become scoopable and Spreadable Just making sure there's no further
Chunks before I walk away All right So I've got everything here for my uh Brioche this is a really decadent dough There's no water in it the hydration Comes from eggs and milk there's about As much butter in brioche as in Croissants for the final product it's Definitely A beautiful Decadent dough that we like to pull out Around the holidays When building a brioche Board of Operations is probably the Most important element of the process The dough takes a little bit of mixing Effort to come together ideally And so temperature of ingredients And order of operations matters greatly It's quite easy to mess up the mix we Left a brioche mix giant meaning so Giant that the dough alone was valued Well over a thousand dollars in the bowl In terms of all the inputs and it was a Very busy day where we were understaffed Here and so we thought we would pull out A garage trick and just Use the or let the dough bulk ferment in The original mixing bowl This was shortly after moving into this Facility when things sort of scaled up And something that we didn't realize Was because of the great volume of dough That was in that bowl
It would sort of have the same effect as Uh As a compost pile where it starts to Heat up because of the the mass of the Actual dough in the mixing bowl so all Of a sudden we come back Couple hours after the mix and the dough Had climbed 20 degrees and all the Butter started to render out of the Dough because it had gotten so hot that The butter just seeped out really was a Traumatic experience in the bakery but a Nice Learning lesson the hard way As we learned some of the differences Between working with small batches of Dough and very large ones So now that I have my eggs measured out I am going to beat them into one Consistency Pro tip if you are cracking large Amounts of eggs into a container Once in a while I think I was pretty Clean I didn't have any shells but the Shells have a different weight all Together than the than the eggs Different consistency so if you pour out Slowly You'll find that any remaining shells Stay behind And that's a pretty cool thing that I Just learned through experience and then As we brought people in uh that had Other experience uh in kitchens we kind Of compared notes and realized we all do
The same thing we if we mess up on Cracking we're not going and fishing for Every single shell but rather just Pouring out of the vessel slowly and Leaving the eggshells behind you can Definitely try that at home it's a Pretty neat trick And once we stir this up you'll notice That there's no shells left in this Mixture Foreign To stir this up is just kind of using a Small circle within the giant uh if I do This I'm going to start Spilling over the edges of the bowl Quite easily but I'm doing a similar Motion to what my big mixer does it's Stirring in one spot and the rest of the Eggs are kind of spinning around anyway So that's uh A nice way of handling this batch size But liquid eggs contain a preservative Citric acid and we find that to be an Unnecessary additive into our doughs There are strengths and weaknesses in Our food food supply chain without a Doubt and we have to live within the Realities of that as uh as a food-based Business But I just don't find liquid eggs to be Necessary Thing There were a few very small egg shells Left behind in the bowl here
But very very Trace at this point and so I filtered any out at this point So I'm starting with eggs in the bowl That's the first thing I'm going to add My milk Both of these are refrigerated Ingredients And so You know the this would equate to like Uh cold water Um in this in this dough It's good to start with a cold liquid For this particular Dough because I am Going to push the Mix Long The next thing that I need is uh Sourdough starter And oddly it's the one thing I didn't Grab So now I have a bit of a starter here I'm going to scale it out to what I need So starter in this case is definitely a Wet ingredient you want to incorporate It with all the liquid first you can see That I went with eggs than milk Now now Harriet And now I can think about the other Items that are going into this uh Bowl Namely we've got the flour we've got the Sugar we've got the salt and the butter I'm going to leave the butter for the Very very end that's post mixing however I can definitely incorporate the dry Ingredients right now there's some Schools of thought here some Bakers
Choose to hold back the sugar as well And allow the dough to develop slowly Without it I think that most often you Can create a really nice dough so long As you sift the sugar and the salt and The flour together and make it a uniform Mass the bakers that choose to hold back Sugar they're they're trying to develop The strength of the dough without the Sugar which which has it Less it doesn't really have strength Building components in it works opposite Also if you handle the sugar poorly if You engage it directly with uh with the Wet ingredients you end up creating this Uh sugary slush through your dough that You can't get rid of so definitely got To be careful with the sugar I need 4.5 kilos of flour We always measure out our recipes with a Food scale If you measure volumetrically you're Going to be slightly off on every single Ingredient that you're measuring whether It be liquid whether it be a solid those Small deviations amount to a lot If you vary by five percent one way or The other it actually amounts to a lot It can be the difference between you Know a country sourdough and more of a Ciabatta-like product it doesn't take Much I don't think that you know people That are new to baking realize how just Changing the proportions can alter the
Final result so all I'm doing to sift The sugar salt and flour together is Giving it a nice stir to the point that When I run my hand through this bin I'm No longer feeling the sugar crystals or Or the rough texture of the salt it's More just an experience of of flour I Mean you can still kind of tell that There's something else in it but it's Now more evenly spread and with that It's not going to create the same bad Effect when mixed with the hydrated Ingredients so I'm going to go ahead and Put my dry ingredients right atop And then move on to the actual mixer Itself I always start every mix slowly to Incorporate So and this mixer Speed 2 is quite slow We'll start in Speed 2 and just allow These ingredients to come together into One form at that point I can Notch up The the speed of the mixer All right foreign [Music] It also went in in the perfor right After the mix for a couple hours During that time it's the bulk Fermentation time we keep it in the mid 80s with humid conditions and that helps The dough puff up a little bit start to Create some energy Throughout from the sourdough microbes That that form fermentation sites we
Need a little bit of that energy to get The process started before shaping and Then we move into the shaping components So these two blobs will turn into two Completely different products and that's One of the cool things about this uh Dough is I can go multiple ways with it So I'm going to take one And prep it for babka In this case My goal Is to do something very similar to what We do with our croissant dough I am stretching it out And then stowing it away in a stretched Out form So by doing this now tomorrow I can run It through that dough sheeter Spread the ganache on it Put it into the proofer And get it to the bake so this is that Stretch out process It's good to mention that from here you Could just roll this out and make babka But you can tell from the consistency of This dough that it's much more delicate In this state it's warm It's soft it rips easy It's somewhat easy for it to roll out in Uneven ways you can absolutely do it Probably going to need to use more flour Than I use I still use a little bit on The sheeter the sheeter also provides a Lot of uniformity so you can see that
There's some Peaks and valleys at the Moment as I pull it through the sheeter I end up getting a nice uniform sheet Through the whole process and so That's why we're doing what we're doing This sheet can now get refrigerated in Our walk-in we're going to cover it so That it doesn't dry out on top this Dough is so buttery though that it Really wouldn't have the tendency of Drying very easily so you can even see The sheen of butter because it's been an Approved for 80 degrees butter starts to Melt you know around 68 69 70 degrees And so you can see some of the butter uh At the top layer of this uh Dough All right so we're continuing our babka Journey We have now mixed bulk fermented And stretched out the babka into a Sheets sheet pan size and this has been Cooled down so that we can pass it Through the sheeter and roll it really Thin the cool down is somewhat optional Although it slows the process which Helps us keep under control if you try To do this warm You'll have a very similar result the One problem you might run into is that You've got to work with a little bit More speed So I'm going to unpeel this sheet it's On this uh
Sheet pan on two silpats which makes it A little easier for us to Flip It Off Pretty easy to adapt this to a home Environment We're making a number of these here Right now this will probably yield Around 10 bobcas this one sheet In a home environment you would have A lesser amount of dough and you just Use a rolling pin to roll it out you Want to roll it out nice and thin On my sheeter I'm going to Flour the top Just to prevent it from sticking to the Rollers Now my first goal is to just Extend it To the width of the belt What I love about this dough is like Many of the others we're working with it Can be used in a number of ways this Brioche dough can be used to make Awesome Burger buns Uh dinner rolls The babka There's just tons and tons of Applications for it it's got to be Careful through the sheeter While it provides a lot of uniformity The thinner I roll the sheet the more Likely I can Get a snag Here's that ganache that we made this
Morning I'm gonna notice how it's a very very Different texture than when it was hot So Look at that I can just scoop it right Out And spread What I'm doing to just Ensure Even coverage is I'm going to add very similar quantities Off of this dough knife Through the dough and then spread This one is just a pure chocolate Ganache our next iteration the one that We hope to release Just in time for the holidays themselves And still an early rendition Will include some hazelnuts as well Not Nutella More of the pure non-palm oil stuff So the goal here is just to spread it Out As evenly as I can so I'm applying a Little bit of pressure with my dough Knife Too much pressure and I'll scrape it Like this where I'm scraping It Off the Right balance Leaves enough for this material On the sheet This is very much unlike croissant dough Where if you make a mistake throughout The process It can be quite brutally unforgiving
Next step in the process to roll this up So far This looks exactly like making a morning Bun or a cinnamon roll for that matter We're just rolling it up The difference is for the same size Sheet I'm going to roll it up all the way Whereas normally I get two Distinct rolls for the other two Products that I'm mentioning The bobco are going to go all the way To the end I'm going to cut this rolled up vodka in Half In school we called this hot dog style Now opening it up you can see all these Layers And my goal Is to actually expose these layers So now with each of these Halves I'm going to Simply weave them together Like so And pop them into a tin we put them in The tins like so and bake them in there It makes it easy for our customers if They like to pop them in the oven and Serve them warm at home Today I feel like I cut these massive Last time I did this I cut these too Small so maybe the third time this year Will be the charm and I'll get them just Right but whoever has these particular
Renditions will be delighted with the Size as by the time they're done they're Probably going to be up to here So now I'm putting these away Into a cold ferment stage So they're going to go into our walk-in Cooler And we'll readdress these tomorrow Meanwhile I have yesterday's batch That's been proofing for the last few Hours and it should be ready to bake Pretty soon All right so these are fully proof Vodkas they're a little smaller than the Ones that I shaped just a second ago They've been in the proofer for many Hours and now they're going in the oven To bake off The rack is lifting at the moment it's About to start spinning and in 22 Minutes we'll have some vodka ready Hot open Okay before I Get too ahead of myself I'm gonna Attempt inside make sure it's fully Baked Now we're definitely good there So here's the final bobka all those Layers of chocolate and brioche dough Are now visually appealing You can do a lot with this uh with this In terms of shaping I've seen them in Circles I've seen them made all kinds of Ways and I love how the ganache is just
Two ingredients I'm planning on stealing This one for myself and enjoying it at Home the goal here will be just cut Slices of it and enjoy it like you might Uh coffee cake that kind of a thing you Can enjoy it with your morning beverage Or really any time of day I'll probably Have some later on this evening so uh Yeah that's the chocolate babkin Foreign [Music]