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Making Sourdough Cruffins Entire 3-Day Bakery Process | Proof Bread

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5-Day Intensive Baking Training - Seed Project by PanKobo Japanese Bakery

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Making the newest addition to our sourdough menu: blackberry cheesecake cruffins. Available in-store only.


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Proof Bread
125 W Main Street
Mesa AZ 85201

Proof Bread is a modern throwback to a way of life that values small-scale craftsmanship, local community, and creativity.

We are a team of passionate bakers working in a historic building in downtown Mesa that has been converted into a retail bakery.

Everything we bake is long-fermented with our sourdough starter ‘Harriet’. Each product is artisan, crafted by hand, from the best local ingredients, with no shortcuts.

We bake in line with 13,000 years of human history, avoiding artificial processes and unnecessary ingredients. Honoring tradition and serving better bread for our community.

#sourdoughcroissant #cruffin #bakerybusiness

See how we did today [Music] This is a Blackberry cheesecake cruffin It's a tall flaky croissant filled with A creamy cheesecake filling I'm going to Show you how we make these So I'm getting the water into this bowl This is going to make 20 blocks of Croissant dough 20 blocks equates to Quite a bit more pastries roughly 1200 That's really like a rough estimate some Of the pastries that we end up rolling Out get more yield than some of the Others and so it's a fairly large mix I'm taking us through a journey that Typically takes three days but we are Fortunate enough that we have all of the Processes started I'm probably pushing it a little bit Trying to get all of the sourdough Starter into this one bucket I need 24 K and I'm at 21.3 sort of pushing the Limits of this one bucket [Music] Okay so I'm within the last thousand 24 3 is what I'm looking for really pushing It here 300 grams Is now what I'm missing I'd say that's one of those don't try This at home like if you have the option Of being a little bit more conservative And just spreading it into two vessels Okay so water and Harriet now I gotta Move to the dry ingredients section of

The mix the granulated sugar does a Great job doing what it's meant to do Which is attract moisture to the dough This looks like a ton but keep in mind We're making 1 200 pastries each actual pastry comes Out to having roughly eight grams Of sugar so this is certainly a lot of Sugar although in perspective a can of Soda Has something like 60 grams of sugar I'm Going to throw salt right on top There was a fortunately small mix Recently that got sugar instead of salt Not fun when that happens for anybody The sourdough starter responds in an Overactive way to the sugar it seems to Do the exact opposite of salt which Slows down the process so I've got the Sugar in here and if I was to take this Sugar and dump it onto the water I would create myself a failed mix and At 1200 croissants in this bowl that Actually amounts to quite a bit of cost If I go in that order so order of Operations pretty important I've got my Water in the in the base then sourdough Starter which is just flour and water Now I'm throwing flour on top So so far in my bowl I've got flour and Water And uh the microbes that are feeding on The flower and and water got three bags Of this uh flour going in

This is a very popular Artisan flower it's called Artisan Baker's craft we really like it too for Certain products although I'm mostly excited about powering my own Mill and being able to incorporate More and more Whole grains so now I've got my flour in And I can add my sugar on top So a little trick I had a little extra Flour that needed to come into this mix It's roughly one quarter of the weight Of the Sugar in the mix and it was at the Bottom of this then I went sugar and Salt and I'm just going to give The sugar A quick sift and this is again just to Ensure That the sugar doesn't directly interact With the water And mess me up [Music] There's one ingredient that's missing so If I got flour water salt sugar and Sourdough starter and the most obvious One missing from a croissant dough would Be butter the butter is going to go at The end as an emulsifier so the whole Dough needs to be developed the gluten Needs to be strong before I even touch The butter component so I'm going to Start this mix off with a couple minutes Of just kind of incorporation setting in

Reverse and then six minutes in slow and Let the dough develop at that point I'll Give it a look and see if I'm ready to To bring butter into the mix Foreign [Music] Dough I'm about to kick it into the Faster speed that really does a good job Of developing I mean the gluten will Develop either way it's just a factor of Speed the second gear in this mixer will Develop the gluten at a faster rate I'm Looking for a very particular Consistency before I throw my butter in It's a smooth dough and I'll grab some So you can take a look so the dough Itself at this point pretty much passes The window pane test not all the way but It's together it's smooth it's not Clumpy or Shaggy in any way and so it's Safe to incorporate butter most this Butter has been pre-softened meaning you Can see the texture for such butter I Can literally just jump dump it right in Without fear this block though was Softened but not all the way if I press On it it's still a brick so I can't just Throw this in the mixer it it could Shred I'll show you what to do with that After I get all the soft butter in So logically I'm adding a lot of butter To this Dough because it's a giant mix Of 1200 croissants you want to make sure That your dough is staying strong if you

Have a huge percentage of butter you Might add it in three steps And I'm left now with butter that was a Little bit tougher and so I'm gonna Actually break it up give it a squeeze To soften it up Now there's quite a bit of butter in This dough my last objective really is To make sure that it incorporates all The way the butter has a tendency of Getting stuck on the edges of the bowl And so I'm going to keep this mix going For a little while to allow for that It's really a gorgeous looking dough It's quite warm we started with about 100 degree Fahrenheit water today it's It is the winter time you want to end up Fermenting in the 80s bulk fermenting in The mid 80s like 84. every time that we Cut out a small portion of dough that Dough will equalize to the temperature Of the room really rapidly so we Actually wanted to Edge a little bit Higher than the temperature of the room To maximize the fermentation rate in This proofer one of the complications of A Sourdough process is that variability At the end if your fermentation rate is Off by just a little bit it can amount To hours so this dough is now ready as The bowl lifts I'm going to separate it out See it's nice and strong So I ended this mix in the low 90s about

92 degrees from the mixer I end up with Blobs of dough that's perfect just over 3.5 kilos so I've got two halves this These two halves will become my Croissant sandwich of course they look Like blobs right now and that's Intentional they're going to go to their Bulk fermentation stage on a speed rack And then after a while we'll remove them From the proofer Stretch them out into their sheets At which point they will be refrigerated And cold fermented until tomorrow day Two where they will be combined then With softened butter sheets and Laminated like my teammate Brandon is Doing right now [Music] Okay so our temperatures already dropped A good two degrees And these sheets Are now going to kind of get to Coast Down to the temperature of this room Which is 83 degrees so we start warm and Kind of Coast downward as opposed to the Other way which would be starting cold And coasting upward it's important to Consider it's okay to start a little Warm especially if you know that the Environment around you is cooler than Ideal so the environment in here is in The 70s right now whereas my perfect Fermentation temperature is a little Warmer than humans like to hang out in

With 84. so we keep our space in the 70s And we want the dough to kind of respond To that if we kept our Bakery a little Warmer such as say a garage bakery Without air conditioning in the summer The variables change and now it's a Matter of battling that heat so you Would want intentionally cooler dough so It's it's important to think about Temperature and to make sure that your Temperature is adequate for the Environment that you're working in So a few hours ago I mixed this Croissant dough I put Blobs of it in the Proofer where it did its bulk Fermentation It's now risen a little you can feel That that it has rise to it and it's This is a critical step there has to be An adequate amount of bulk fermentation In order to have a reasonable amount of Final proof at the end what we found is Is that if you don't get this right then Let's say that proofing is on this big Scale then you only ever get to a Certain level on that scale of rise and You end up with smaller overall pastries And we have tweaked it over the course Of time I'm hesitant to say okay do it For two hours or do it for three hours Or do it for six and that's dependent on How much sourdough starter is in your Dough it's dependent on a number of Variables I would recommend just playing

With this and realizing that in the Realm of sourdough the timelines can Vary by hours not minutes so we're going To take this now and prepare for the Lamination phase we flower The tray heavily and then my goal here Is to stretch this dough out One of my sides is drier than all the Others it's the one that was exposed to Air and I'm going to make sure that that Side is the side that's covered because In the course of the overnight hold Ferment before we go to laminate Anything that's drier is just going to Incorporate in the dough nicely it just Takes time so I'm going to cover it with A Baker's cloth called a Koosh and That's going to prevent it from drying Out some more the throat a little bit More flour here just to avoid any Sticking And take my other half of my sandwich Now my dry side is going to go down Towards the Koosh so that by the end Once we're laminating it will be really Nice and even evenly hydrated if I were To flip this the other way take the dry Side and point it up it's going to Continue to dry out and so then I'll Have one side that's super dry it's a Small little detail but it makes a big Difference and now all these are ready For They're cold stage

And we're smack in the middle of the Process from here This is the completion of day one day Two will laminate and shape day three Will proof and bake So some of the secret sauce is right Here in temperatures I've got cold Sheets of dough that I just pulled out Of a fridge they are temping around 40 Degrees Fahrenheit I've got Slightly warmer sheets of butter Which are temping around 60 degrees Fahrenheit that balance is delicate Especially on the butter side if the Butter gets a little too cold Then it will start to crack during the Lamination process yielding something Really disappointing Keep in mind we've already done a whole Day's worth of work we've already Invested all the dollars we're going to Invest in the ingredients which are not Cheap you're not using margarine here Of course the most valuable ingredient Being thyme there's already been a Significant amount of time invested and So it's important to get that butter Temperature right because if you shatter The dough and ruin your lamination it's Just minutes to to ruin what's already Been a day in in the works Not a very forgiving process Getting rid of some of this excess flour And also just deciding which side to

Go in which direction I usually put my Flowered sides on the outside So I'm now going to Couple with the butter At this point the Butter's been sitting Out and coming to temperature because it Starts off refrigerated and I'm going to Spread this dough sheet out to the Just the edge This is a more heavily floured side Which will on the outside which will be An advantage for me going through the Sheeter I'm just going to compensate for The fact that there's already flour here By not dusting this particular block as Much and now speed and efficiency Matters to this process because I've Just combined two 40 degree blocks of Dough with a 60 degree block of butter I Am actively chilling that butter now It's like in its own sandwiched Refrigerator that's part of what makes The lamination process a bit special is You're pulling the butter and stretching It thinner while the dough Is cooler and it's keeping that butter In check it's keeping the temperature Constant So my sheet is roughly the Width of the sheeter now These edges are Generally butterless and they're they're Going to become the scraps that get Folded in in just a moment so now that

I've rotated I'm going to stretch it the Other way And stretch it out to a pretty thin Level So I'm at my final thickness for this First Level of lamination and my goal is to Create A perfect lamination layer so I'm going To cut off the trimmings At the butter line I'm feeling to see if There's any tension to release And doing something very similar on the Other side Fold this side over into my book fold So what I'm now incorporating back into The dough is essentially just Uh mostly scrap there is a little bit of Butter in here I caught the edge of it In some of these trimmings and it's no Big deal essentially this will become Part of the layer that is on the inside And by the time I stretch this dough out A number more times and create all the Layers I don't know if it's 81 or 108 or It depends what layers you count what Layers you don't count all the layers Are so thin that this will just be one Of those thin layers So now I have my book fold again Depending on your circumstances and the Variables you might choose to rest and Refrigerate your dough at this point I Think the fact that we can take it twice

Right off the bat is a factor both of Temperature So this dough block Still quite cold low 50s but you see how Much it warmed up just in that first Pass this is a step that you might end Up doing more traditionally by resting The dough for 30 minutes in the fridge And then coming back at it So once again I'm going for A rotation that fills the Width of the shooter belt And then stretching it the other way I usually end this particular round just A little bit thicker and the reason Being is I want it to fit back onto my Tray for the chilling and the walking so One millimeter thicker than that book Fold All right so this croissant dough has Been Chilling For Probably about 45 minutes I like to give It at least a half hour And it allows the dough to come back Down to A nice Healthy temperature of Below 50 High 40s right now I'm going to Give it a single pass through The sheeter is like a third letter fold And so I'm taking all the layers that I've created and multiplying them by

Three From this point on day two of the Croissant making process is Pleated and we let this dough hang out In a cold State Overnight Before then rolling it out And making the croissants themselves In this case one of these sheets that I've been working with will become our Cruffin sheet This is all the croissant dough for our Day today [Music] So I know when you were making this Product originally you were playing with A number of different Shaping techniques yeah what brought you To this one this one is the fastest and I feel like it produces the best result Yeah it's exactly like morning buns Minus the mess yes exactly [Music] So we're cutting these guys to two and a Quarter And we're just marking these To know where to cut And you're buttering the inside of the Rings yes Makes them release a lot easier So this piece of the whole process is Super easy Now it's literally this simple right This is essentially the the final piece Of day two of a three-day process

Because We can do one of two things we can go Straight in the proofer And let these rise it's going to be Six to eight hours if we go right now Based on our current performance or if We refrigerate then it's gonna be more Like 9 to 12 has been the recent Performance and then we can finally go On to bait so this is kind of the middle Of the process so a long way to go from The final result [Music] All right let's do it [Music] Palmies are ready so I'm going to pull Those really quick are you going to pull Those out and keep the cruff and bait Going for a minute longer I think Kruppens need like one more minute and Then we should be good Hot open Honestly I could probably No I need one minute and we should be Good We look for just that right amount of Bake fascinating to think about the Slight difference and finish here we Have two of the same doughs in the oven The palmiers and the cruffins they're so Similar but these are flattened and thus Thin these are made in the molds and They rise taller the same amount of time In the oven yields a very different

Result hot open [Music] So we're removing these cruffins from Their form And the next step is sugaring so why do You sugar them Um aesthetically it looks really like Looks very nice to me Um adds like a little bit more sweetness The Filling right now is not super sweet So it just adds just a little bit more Sweetness it's a nice way of countering The fact that our sourdough croissant Dough really is not Overly sweetened right as you mentioned The pastries themselves are still a bit Warm they came out of the oven just say Like 20 30 minutes ago yeah but this Last step the thing that makes the crust And the coffin The Filling right ideally Best to do that when they're completely Cooled down so the filling you're going To be using today is uh Blackberry Something or other Blackbird cheesecake I didn't really want to go like a Blackberry jam route personally I just Like the creaminess a little bit more I Like it too mainly because it's so Different from some of the other ones Which are like more jammy I'm feeling for resistance Um and that's how I know that the inside Has been Sufficiently filled and right now I can

Start to feel some resistance inside so I'm just going to slowly come up and Then create just a little mountain of Filling outside Have you been dreaming up different Flavor combinations I tested out a Couple different ones the other day the Strawberry cheesecake turned out really Good I liked it this is one of those Products that we just could not even Think about making as a garage Bakery The perishability of the filling made That out of range in fact we were not Allowed to touch anything with you know Like a cream cheese or cheesecake type Of filling now we're firmly in the world Of commercial with this product So the most satisfying part of the Cruffin is seeing the inside I don't know about you but I really want Some of that It's delicious I think The best way to have this is cut it in Half Enjoy the satisfaction of seeing the Center and then eat it this way It's a little bit more comfortable Actually In halves [Music]

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