1. When will I get my goods after placing my order?
We will deliver the item within 5 days, and you can expect to have it within 24-48 hours after the shipping.
2. Is there any way to set a particular delivery time?
Unfortunately, since we are relying on external transportation companies, setting a delivery timeline is not doable.
3. Can I track my order’s logistics after sending it?
Yes! You may contact us and we provide a trucking number from the logistic company provide.
4. Is it possible to change the shipment address after dispatching it?
We regret to inform you that changing the delivery address is not an option after sending it off.
5. What should I do if the item package has been harmed when receiving it?
If you notice any damage on its packaging, kindly reject its delivery and contact us right away while informing your driver of what happened.
6. Are there more inquiries that haven’t been addressed here?
Sorry, as much as we wish we could answer all questions in this FAQ, if there’s anything else you’d like clarity about please contact us via WhatsApp +6012-783-6168 for further assistance!